Tuesday, Jan 07, 2025

Happy New Year!

I would like to wish a very Happy New Year to all of our existing customers, future customers, and vendors. 2024 was another record year for us at Asphalt Enterprises, and we look forward to building on that in 2025!

I am incredibly happy to announce that this year we are celebrating 42 years in business! We like to call it "42 years of unmatched experience". There are very few paving contractors which compete in our niche market areas that have been in business as long as us. This is testimony of our dedication to providing a high level of service and quality work while maintaing a remarkably high standard of business ethics for our customers. With over four decades of knowledge and experience, you can rest assured that when we make recommendations as far as the scope of work, materials, weather recommendtions, etc., you are in good hands.

Winter Time Paving

Weather is an important factor when paving/placing hot asphalt mix, especially in the winter time.  Asphaltic concrete (hot asphalt mix) cannot be placed if the existing surface is wet and/or frozen. Also, the placement cannot begin until the minimum temperature is in accordance with the following table. The temperature must be checked in the shade, away from artificial light. Please also keep in mind that wind chill must also be taken into account, since cold winds will cool asphalt quicker before and during placement.

1” or less 55 degrees and rising
1.1” to 2” 45 degrees and rising
2.1” to 3” 40 degrees and rising
3.1” to 4 “ 35 degrees and rising
4.1” to 8” 32 degrees and rising

Please schedule all of your large projects that require one inch lifts when the temperatures are at least 55 degrees and rising. Asphalt placed in thicker lifts can be placed in temperatures a little cooler as per above, especially in the case of saw-cut repairs. Make sure the paving company you select has adequate compaction equipment on site, as well as ample help since winter paving is more delicate and requires more attention and experienced crews. When in doubt, postpone work until temperatures are well into the high 60+ range, or give us a call and we can help you with our recommendations.


Gerry Signs

Gerry Signs President