Project Overview

Brockett Square Shopping Center

Full depth reclamation/pulverization is performed when the sub-base has failed causing the asphalt pavement to deteriorate to such a state that a Perma-Flex overlay is not feasible.  This was the case on this recently completed project owned by a long time, loyal customer.

Approximately 12,000 square yards were pulverized to an approximate depth of 10 inches below finished grade.  Any excess material was hauled off the property and disposed of.  All pulverized materials where then compacted with a sheep’s foot roller, mixed with Portland cement at a rate of 50 lbs. per square yard, then hydrated and left to cure.  This provides a new base material that is very hard, providing a sturdier base that would be impossible to achieve using new crushed rock (GAB).  Area was then paved with 2 inches (compacted depth) of 9.5 mm asphalt topping.  We then laid out and re-striped all lines and pavement markings.  The work was done in 3 phases. 

 This is one of many full depth/pulverization projects we have performed over the years.  To learn more about this process, please visit our related services, which provides links to other similar projects, and also a technical paper presented on the subject.

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