Project Overview

New Chastain Corners

This shopping center is one of many that we have worked on over the years for Centro Properties (now Brixmor Property Group).  The majority of their shopping centers are anchored by Kroger Supermarkets, so it is always critical that disruption of their day to day operations is kept to a minimum when performing work, especially when the work is directly in front of their stores, as was this case on this particular project.  Much of the main drive, along with some parking areas directly in front of the Kroger were severely deteriorated, so much, that the only solution was to excavate these areas, and perform a full depth replacement.  When excavating large areas such as these, it is more efficient and faster to use a milling machine to remove the asphalt, in place of a conventional excavator.  Milling was started at 5:00 a.m. and completed in about 2 hours.  We then prepped the area to be paved, re-compacting the base material, tack coating all edges, then paving with 3 inches of 9.5 mm asphalt topping.  By 2:00 p.m. we had completed the paving, and re-striped all lines and pavement markings.

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