Project Overview

Summit Crossing Apartments

This 38,000 square yard project required us to perform a 2 coat application, the first coat being a squeegee application, and the second coat a standard spray application.  This provides the most complete coverage of sealer. As you can see by the photos, the squeegee machine works the sealer down into the voids and any hairline cracks in the pavement. The second coat (not shown) places the sealer on the ridges of the asphalt pavement, giving it a durable wearing surface. To top things off we also used GemSeal PolyTar sealer, with sand, the most superior pavement sealer on the market. What makes PolyTar so unique is, during the manufacturing process, polymers are added to the raw refined tar material, and mixed at higher temperatures. Then the sealer is mixed with water and other raw materials in the colloid mill manufacturing process. This provides a material that is very durable, and outlasts conventional sealers almost 2-1. Traditional sealers are mixed and them a liquid polymer is added after the fact. Although still a good sealant, it doesn’t provide the durability that is found in PolyTar. Here at Asphalt Enterprises, the only sealer we spec out and use is GemSeal PolyTar.

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